3.a.2.a) Thoughts on love in metaphysics
When we incorporate one-dimension space into Love, light emerges. Moreover, if we add time, life appears in the broad sense, including poetry like this love poem:
Precious Lady Mysterious,
marvelous princess,
my battle goddess,
of my love, ever continuous.
Of your beauty, infatuated.
At your feet, a valiant fighter.
At your side, a prince enchanted.
Of your heart, a brave archer.
I loved you when you were timeless,
now we’re in the same space,
I love you with disgraceful madness,
and, when I go to the other place,
I will love you from any universe,
defeating the eternity of intense coldness.
No one would think the previous paragraphs are love thoughts in Modern Physics. Noticeably we are dealing with a little poetic license. On the contrary, the love thoughts in the following sentences can get deeper into that field.
Before, we said the inverse concept of mass * space was strange, bizarre indeed. Now we can look at it in its most simplified form as the container formed by a kilogram and meter together.
The logic of science should force us to increase sense concerning physics and intuitiveness so that if we multiply and divide the units of love by 1 Newton, we end up with:
L = [(N/kg) / (N m)]
Reading the formula literally, the thoughts of love have given results because one can see the meaning of love as a function of the relation between force per unit of mass and energy. Likewise, it can be a function of the link between acceleration and energy.
L = (m/s²) / (N m)
The value that L takes on when the speed of time is 1 s/c where c is the space light travels in a second will be G/c²c², which is a rather tiny unit and it seems beautiful to call it “amorcito,” therefore:
1 amorcito = G/c²c² = 8.26069 * 10-45 (1/kg m)
Continuing with these revelations on physics of love, let us christen a greater unit of love; it will be Molwick and, for unrelated reasons right now, equal to:
Which is equivalent to:
1 Mw = c5/G² amorcitos
1 Mw = 4.49285 * 10+18 (1/kg m)
That is,
1 Molwick = 1 Mw = c/G (1/kg m)
The reason for the name is strictly personal. It was a time that between mol ~ and ~ wick was pure and wild love. The Equation of Love is the result of amassed experience and this coincidence in time, just like the concept of eternal life, which mathematically derives from it.
From a personal perspective, the subjective perception is the most relevant. When love is infinite, time is endless, and space is zero, or both.
The subjective point of view we were interpreting by talking about the squared acceleration of time is excellent as a metaphysical exercise. However, it is not scientifically beneficial if we do not know how it affects the objective reality; perhaps it would be useful to understand the world better and, consequently, broaden the possibilities of intervention.
However, the concept of a Molwick introduces an objective point of view since it contains intuitive physics’ notions.
In any case, confusing the personal point of view with the objective reality can have some counterproductive effects.
In the subjective sense, we can analyze love from various perspectives, such as metaphysics, poetry, and others, such as the love story about the Sun, clouds, and stars.
The following section about gravity discusses the possible mathematical significance of Universal Love in metaphysics and tries to establish a bridge or meaningful connections with Modern Physics.