1.a) Metaphysics of love, space and time
The relevant characteristics of The Equation of Love 2nd edition were expanding on the initial ideas and the modification of the imprecise elements that accompanied our ruminations about relativistic physics.
In subsequent editions, the intention has been to locate the different contents, problems, and points of view on the main concepts of post-modern physics in various books.
The books have two collections depending on the book's metaphysical or scientific experimental character, mathematical difficulty, subject, or presentation on the Internet.
The first collection has two books. This book on metaphysics of love, space, and time and mathematical games that can have implications in the world of physics or, at least, show us that math can be applied to almost everything and lose virtually all its scientific meaning.
The second collection has five books of a theory of everything, Global Physics.
From another perspective, to talk about Quantum Mechanics, Theory of Relativity, or theory of everything, it is not necessary to be a mathematical genius or to know about tensors. Since, to talk about evolution, it is not essential to know about molecular biology or to have studied in university to be able to speak of philosophy or to discuss religion in Latin.
A summary of the two books in this group on metaphysics is:
This first book combines perspectives of modern science and metaphysics; besides the introduction about the relativity of love, there are two titles dedicated to time and the Love Equation and gravity, respectively.
There is a brief discussion about the personal conception of metaphysical time and the timeline as something real and subjective in contrast to the pure mathematical nature of time in Modern Physics.
Title III focuses on the Equation of Love, gravity of Newton, and its interrelations with Modern Physics and, in particular, with Einstein's equation of the mass-energy equivalence –originally from Olinto de Pretto.
The first section debates the mathematical formula and its significance.
The second section develops the equation of subjective gravity from the previous formula and discusses its significance apropos Global Metaphysics.
In other words, the new theory attempts to restore the correct duality of subjective and objective reality to the realm of philosophy, separating them from others, let us say, imaginary realities. It is not to say that fictitious certainties are entirely incorrect. Still, they do not correspond to the standard and more straightforward form of the operation of human logic and, as an epistemological result, of the scientific method.
The out of this world solutions can have somewhat medium to long-term counterproductive effects since they impede the reasoning of the real mechanisms by concealing them behind a veil of a partial, typically ad hoc, solution, even though without recognizing it.
The book ends with a quick recapitulation about philosophy, science, and religion, given that the formulas allow us to develop various interpretations from different –especially from the objective and subjective– points of view, helping our mind to better understand its own limitations.
Sir MagicwickPossible approaches of enlightenment expose the content of an interpretation of the formulas from a familiar point of view.
Recently Sir Magicwick received a hot text message from the Carina nebulous that we repeat because it is amusing and because it has something to do with Classic Physics and the new studied equation:
“The sky called me telling me
that they are looking for an angel,
but don’t worry,
I didn’t betray you”To make the reader participate, the riddle about gravity has a marked intuitive character. Nonetheless, the answer appears before the reader can think and end up confirming his unfounded suspicions.
Theory of Relativity, Elements, and Criticism
There is an analysis of historical context and misleading causalities that led to the acceptance of the Theory of Relativity.
Afterward, the postulates and fundamental principles, along with their corresponding scientific and philosophical critiques, are also included in the book.
This book argues the misconceptions and misinterpretations of the numerous experiments, which aim to prove the Theory of Relativity, especially the thought experiments that do not correspond with reality. Scientists quote thought experiments due to the lack of real ones.
Finally, we will find a section about Einstein's General Relativity and its bipolar relation with Special Relativity, as it complements and contradicts it with an impossible simultaneity in such a way that opposing both of them at the same time seems nearly impossible if one is not a true expert in the field.
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