Statistical study about Mendelian genetics with IQ vectors of Stanford Binet and Wechsler IQ test

Cover of the book the EDI Study. Dusk over the sea with clouds, Galicia.




Author: José Tiberius

q013 Statistical study about Mendelian genetics with IQ vectors of Stanford Binet and Wechsler IQ test



The title of each graph of the statistical study indicates the parents' variables (R or M & F) to which the correlations relate. Each point of the colored lines represents the correlations with the observational C variables of the children.

Likewise, the variables of unknown order, formed by the different groups of 1 to 10 values from the 70 IQ values of each parent and children variables, appear on the left-hand side of the graph. The criteria order of the groups of 1 to 10 values located on the right-hand side is the variable mentioned at the bottom of the graph.

Indeed, there is an almost instantaneous perception of the exactitude of the particular specification of the statistical study; each graph shows sixty coefficients of determination (r²) highlighting the global and underlying relations of the involved data set.

See the methodology of the statistical abstract for more details



1. General statistical significance

The considerable increase of the correlation for the estimation of homogenous groups is not due to the reduction of 68 to 5 or 4 degrees of freedom, since the estimation with non-homogenous groups, without previous rearrangement, has the same degrees of freedom and the correlation even lowers concerning the sample without grouping.

In general, the model of the genetic evolution of intelligence (Mendelian geneticsConditional intelligenceGlobal Cognitive Theory) adjusts perfectly, showing an superior to 0.9 in several cases. Bearing in mind the tendency to increase the goodness of fit with the size of rearranged groups, we could assume it would be over 0,9 in almost all the cases for grander groups within a more significant sample.

2. Social Model and original variables

The results of the model following Mendelian genetics and the general theory of Conditional Evolution of Life (CEL) are surprising, which can be observed both in the graphs and in the table resume. The model sensitivity to the arrangement criterion will allow reaching some crucial conclusions.

Also, the objective function R is almost as powerful as variable M of mothers and F of fathers together, which means it contains the actual rules o the evolution of intelligence.

3. Significant comments on this particular graph

As you can clearly see by its form, the three dependent variables of the children, analyzed in the model, behave in a very similar way to the progenitors' explanatory variable R

In this graph it can be observed the effect of the higher correlations in general for the groupings with an even number of elements. This fact is what provokes the typical saw-tooth form of these graphs. It is considered reasonable that, in such even groupings, the deviations would be compensated for to a greater degree than those that contain an odd number of elements would.

The general multidimensional correlation index (GMCI) is 12,16 which is low for the whole EDI study.

Even so, the highest determination coefficient of this graph is 0,87 which is a high value for this type of research.